Mingarry Street

The project involved the redevelopment of a narrow strip of vacant land within the former fire station courtyard and conversion of 2 vacant units at ground level.

The client’s brief for this project was to develop this portion of derelict land and the adjacent vacant units at the southern end of the former Fire Station’s courtyard to create high-quality residential units that add to the vibrancy of the existing neighbourhood whilst restoring the historic original plan form of the courtyard.

Mingarry Street, Glasgow
LS Homes Ltd.
Project Type
Residential Home Design
Project Status

Our proposal aims to establish a sense of intimacy and scale within the existing courtyard space that is currently overwhelmed and dominated by the scale of the adjoining neighbouring buildings overlooking the courtyard on the southern side of the courtyard.

The key challenges with this site have been developing a design that satisfies daylight, privacy, and amenity issues, employing a progressive design approach and use of materials that help to create a sense of place and cohesion within the courtyard setting, and at the same time creating a dynamic aesthetic that is respectful of the established building language yet contemporary.

The development consists of a high-quality infill new-build apartment block comprised of 3 No. two-bedroom apartments with rooftop communal amenity space, and the conversion of two single-aspect vacant units within the original Fire Station building to create 2 No. well-lit two-bedroom apartments with enhanced aspects and private amenity space, created by the clever use of external courtyards carved out of the existing building fabric.

NVDC Architects

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